Parenthesis by Vasilios Papaioannu at the Millennium Workshop

[september 21] PARENTHESIS @ the Millennium Workshop in NYC!🗽

Parenthesis will be a part of the exhibition Bookmarks of Discomfort Vol.2 at the Millennium Workshop in NYC this upcoming Wednesday, September 21st starting at 7:30pm. The exhibition is curated by the multidisciplinary artist Priyanka Das and includes amazing artists who are also wonderful friends and colleagues.

Bookmarks of Discomfort is a series of screenings/presentations to bring together artists, creators who address the idea of discomfort through visual, aural, physical and textual monographs. Often we confront our true selves, an assertive voice of being through uncomfortable situations, circumstances, crisis or struggle. Unfortunately, those moments of discomfort are often grounded on the societal hegemonic, both explicit and implied codes of being, behaving, experiencing, understanding, and interpreting. When we find ourselves in those discomfort/ challenging moments, we may respond to comply, resist, remain indifferent, revolve, reflect, observe and many more ways. These moments of discomfort present itself and affect different races, ethnicities, and individuals with collectives and communities differently. 16 diverse artists, coming together to present the idea of discomfort in their own subjective ways.


🗽❤️miss you nyc